Did you always wanted to use your LED light in a script or just use a terminal command to turn it on or off?

If you answer was yes, than this is for you:

1. Checking the requirements

lsmod | grep pad

Should output something like:

thinkpad_acpi          81222  0
nvram                  14362  1 thinkpad_acpi

If not you’ll need to install a kernel module first:

sudo modprobe -v thinkpad-acpi

2. Install the script

Download the script and move it to the right location:

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/thinklight https://gist.github.com/niklas-heer/5490084/raw/990ab4c0ec70a39791b4369fddc2e12498c82cd0/thinklight
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/thinklight

3. Use the script

Turn it on: sudo thinklight on

Turn it off: sudo thinklight off

This is the script 😉